Happy End
Happy End
A middle-class family living in Calais deal with a series of setbacks while paying little attention to the grim conditions in the refugee camps within a few miles of their home.
Genres: Drama
Actors: Isabelle Huppert, Aurlia Petit, Mathieu Kassovitz, Fantine Harduin, Franz Rogowski, Laura Verlinden, Toby Jones, Hille Perle, Hassam Ghancy, Nabiha Akkari, Joud Geistlich, Philippe du Janerand, Dominique Besnehard, Bruno Tuchszer, Nathalie Richard, David Yelland, Florence Masure, Maryline Even, David El Hakim, Loubna Abidar, Jackee Toto, Jack Claudany
Directors: Michael Haneke
Countries: Austria, France, Germany
Release: 2017-06-21